Virtual Performance Day 2020

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Due to the pandemic and the situation that the world was in, singing was unfortunately, not allowed. So, we decided to come up with an alternative plan to hold our regular Performance Day for our students and coaches.

Our students were surprisingly the ones who came up with the amazing idea, and with the help of the TVS Team, we were able to make the online event happen. Weeks before the online event, our days were filled with logistic preparations, rehearsals, sound checks & making sure that each student had found the perfect space to put up their performance on screen.

It was truly an exciting time!

 We had an outstanding number of 25 performers, affirming their participation in the event, which was truly encouraging.

The performance event was also hosted by our Principal & Senior Coach Hanna who did a great job by ensuring that the event was smoothly held via Zoom and that each performer had the time to sound check.

What more was that all the performers took the time to understand the guidelines of the event and took the initiative to check in with their individual coaches, ensuring that their performances would run smooth.

As we started the show, a great atmosphere filled the platform and everyone’s homes too.

Everyone looked very happy & joyful and every participant was spreading lots of love and support upon each performance, giving applauses, cheering each other on & interacting after every student’s performance.

It was a truly magical time, not forgetting the strong community spirit which we as The Vocal Studio, care much for and take it as one of our most important aspects of our team.

Our students were communicating with one another, getting to know each other as well as, taking the time during the event to thank their coaches for helping them become a better singer, a more confident individual and for helping them find their inner voice.

There were so many beautiful moments during the event! Even as our coaches spent the time performing and listening to their students, remembering how much they love their job and the impact they are so privileged to have on their students.

A massive heart-felt thank you to everyone who attended our first ever Virtual Performance Day. 

We were incredibly proud of the event and even more proud of all who participated. 

Above all, this Performance Day was truly a real highlight in the middle of the lockdown here in Singapore. We are sure that it was a great experience for many of us.

Thank you for being a part of the TVS Team & we can’t wait to see you at the next one!