TVS Stories during Covid-19

The year 2020, surrounded by the COVID-19 pandemic will be remembered by all of us as a time of something unexpected yet unique. Personally, how was the experience through the year for you?

If you were to describe it in 3 words - which words would you choose?

Surprising, Confusing, Sad, Regretful, Scary, Unexpected, Boring or

Different, Restful, Broadening, a time of Resilience & Reflection?

Well, we wanted to share how the experience was for us and we chose to remember this time with the words,


Here we share the journey we took during the year 2020, in achievement of the what we chose to remember it by.


By being here, being yourself

“You can provide the best support by being there, being present, and reminding yourself and the people of the value of their presence by being who they are.”

-Hanna Ma-

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We started by releasing free vocal exercises on our website for students who wanted to continue practicing their vocals and honing their craft at home. This not only helped our students, but also helped us to lead our vocal lessons more effectively 😊

Click to check out the exercises

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Senior Coach Hanna also held Live Vocal Warm-Up Sessions on our Facebook page to share the concepts of basic singing skills such as breathing, having a resonant voice, and pitch-singing. These sessions benefited anyone ranging from Beginner level singers to Intermediate level singers and gave them a clearer understanding of the basis of the voice.

What else?

Senior Coach Bojana, Hanna, and Coach Nisha conducted various online singing workshop sessions in conjunction with our team’s initiative entitled “We Are Here For You” for both children and adult groups.

Our goal is for both our coaches and our students to be supported of their talent by simply being who they are.

We appreciate all our students for how you have supported us by being who you are during this time.

2. JOY

Through connection, acceptance, and expression

“Joy is not about singing happy songs.

Any song that speaks to your heart, that helps to free your voice and that gives you a sense of liberation & comfort, that is Joy.

One which brings you deep contentment and internal satisfaction.”

-Hanna Ma-

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With our students, exploring songs that speak to their emotions and daily life was what brought out the joy for them.

So, to keep the joy going, we held our very first Virtual Performance Day!

Our Virtual Performance Day was a true blast of joyful sharing as we received the opportunity to not only see our students sing but to see them perform for an audience and put on a show.

Everyone was so engaged and supportive throughout the Virtual show, whether it was through listening, cheering, shouting or encouraging the performances given by our very own TVS singers.

You do not want to miss the line up on our YouTube page!


Of courage and persistence

Well, Covid-19 did influence our growth in terms of the capacity of students we had. So, we chose to make this time to focus on our growth in the depth of how our lessons were being conducted. Our lesson quality increased, as we listened more attentively to our students’ voice through the online platforms. We learned how to connect better from a distance, how to lead by voice, how to capture one’s nuances as well as one’s intricacies of vocal projection and expression.

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We had Coach Harsha in conversation with Senior Coach Hanna about their experiences during the time.

You can check out the full video at

Our coaches also went through individual, extensive training in the areas of vocal anatomy, vocal health, pedagogy, approach, and case studies.

Some of our coaches also continued developing their artistry by recording their home performances.

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On top of that, we have been committing many hours to researching and developing our vocal workshops to provide insightful, fun & effective learning opportunities for students.

In June 2020, we launched our very first Online Vocal Workshop, specialising in Popular Genres.

Senior Coach Bojana kicked off the workshop series on Popular Music studies, and will continue to hold the weekly vocal workshop specialising in various genres of music.

More quality vocal workshops will be coming soon!

Sounds exciting right?

We definitely had moments of vulnerability during the time, however we decided to focus on what we truly believed in and what we can do to bring the most out of ourselves, including our students.

We know that we are not perfect, but we know that we are going through good growth and taking on a good learning process here, just like you, so we thank you for your support.


As of June and early July, we are still in the midst of Online Lessons so the impact still continues to take effect on us everyday, yet, given the choice, we will choose to keep focusing on our 3 words - Support, Joy, and Growth.

Surely music and singing makes it feel 200% more possible though, don’t you think so?

Think about how you can support yourself, stay joyful, and keep growing.

Would you like to do it with us, through music and singing?

Come & Join us, We Are Here For You 😊

-The Vocal Studio Singapore Coaches-