Stronger: Coach Bojana's Latest Song Release

Find out more about the process of how ‘Stronger’ was made, including the inspiration behind the song, and what it means to Coach Bojana and others around her!

The song ‘Stronger’ was written about 3 years ago when Coach Bojana was going through a transformative and period in her life, one where she faced many troubles with. However, in the midst of it all, she saw a spark of light in the storm. This spark of light inspired her to deliver a positive message, instead of the original negative experiences which the song was conceived upon. Thus, she ultimately felt the need to change the lyrics completely in order to carve these personal experiences into a positive message, and share it to the world.


Below are some fun facts about the filming of ‘Stronger’ music video:

·      It’s coach Bojana’s first ever video where she makes a full appearance.

·      It’s her first ever video filmed in Singapore!!

·      It was filmed during June/July of 2020, a very restrictive period due to the strict COVID-19 prevention guidelines put in place in Singapore.

·      It was recorded from 6am till 6pm!

·      It involves an international team of musicians from Mexico, Macedonia, Singapore, and Belgium.

Lastly, Coach Bojana also wants to highlight the power of music - it has the ability to gather everyone together - and why this is important, and how may it benefit us.

Be sure to catch the podcast to find out more!

The Vocal Studio