TVS Vocal Exercise Guide [1-12]: Breathing, Chromatic, Major Scale
Hello Singers!
Hereβs the updated free vocal exercise for you to make your personal warm up and practice sessions more intentional and efficient! Remember that same scale exercises can be used for working on various areas of voice π.
πFor absolute beginners who has never tried singing in your whole life, our 30 Day Vocal Exercise online course provides step by step guide from TVS Coach Hanna + E-Book. Please check it out!
π€If youβd like more personalised vocal lessons, sign up for the lessons with Professional Vocal Coaches at TVS!
Exercise 1: Breathing Exercise
Version 1. Diaphragmatic breathing: Following the pace of the music, try slow and deep breathing, engaging diaphragm and overall intercostal muscles. Feel the expansion and contraction of the belly muscles.
Version 2. Long exhalation exercise: Take a slow and deep breath in and hiss (ts) out minimum and consistent amount of breath for 30-45 sec duration.
Exercise 2: Single Pitch Chromatic Scale
Version 1. Pitch Accuracy: sing each note for 5 count duration while maintaining the pitch.
Version 2: Vowel articulation & Resonance: sing each note in the order of Ee (sβeeβ) - Ei (sβayβ) -Ai (sβighβ) - Oh (sβoβ) - you, while maintaining the resonant voice tone
Version 3: Staccato: sing each note in a short popping manner, focusing on producing gentle but clear voice
Exercise 3: 2-Pitch Chromatic Scale
Version 1. Pitch accuracy: Sing each note with βhumβ syllable
Version 2. slur/sliding : Sing the 2 notes in smooth connected way by gentle sliding up and down between notes while making each note clear
Exercise 4: Stepwise Chromatic Scale
Version 1. Solfege: Sing ascending melody with βDo-Di-Re-Ri-Mi-Fa-Fi-So-Si-La-Li-Ti-Doβ and descending melody with βDo-Ti-Te-La-Le-So-Se-Fa-Mi-Me-Re-Ra-Doβ
Pronounce βiβ as βeeβ and βeβ as βayβVersion 2. Lyrics: apply the lyrics βI will always sing these notes until I get them rightβ
Exercise 5: 2-Pitch Major Scale
Version 1. SOVT style: Apply puffer fish, lip trills, or straw method for gently increasing the pitch
Version 2. Switching Vocal register: Try the same exercise in Strong full voice (Chest Voice), Lighter βneighβing voice (Mix Voice), Airy cheering βhurayβing voice (Head Voice)
Exercise 6. 3-Pitch Major Scale (Fast)
Version 1. Agility practice: Try the scale as humming exercise with lips closed or only slightly apart
Exercise 7. 4-Pitch Major Scale
Version 1. Dynamic practice: Sing the song while making the volume change from soft to loud.
Version 2. Emotional Expression: Sing the song with the intention to deliver meaningful βnon-verbalβ expression
Exercise 8. 5-Pitch Ascending Major Scale (Slow)
Version 1. Legato and pitch accuracy: Sing the melody with βahβ feeling the connection of overall melody
Version 2. Connecting the vocal registers and resonance: Sing the melody in the order of βi, e, a, o, i, e, a, o, uβ
Exercise 9. 5-Pitch Ascending Major Scale (Fast)
Version 1. Vocal agility: Keep the voice light and consistent and sing each phrase in one breath
Exercise 10. 5-Pitch Descending Major Scale
Version 1. Articulation: Sing the melody with βmi me ma mo mi me ma mo muβ or βSing it say it I love youβ, feeling the change of vocal tract shape but maintaining the resonance
Exercise 11. 5-Pitch Major Scale, with Rhythm
Version 1. Consonant articulation: Sing the melody by applying 2-3 consonants (example: t, k, d, g, ch, m, n, l)
Version 2. Rhythmic expression: Sing the melody by applying the consonants to create βpercussive instrumental soundβ
Exercise 12. 1 - 5 Pitch Major Scale
Version 1. Breath control: take a breath between short phrases, then extend the length of each phrase within 1 breath
Version 2. Agility (riff/ run): make the note clear while keeping light voice flow