The Blues

Dear Students, 


Last week, we started off our studies on The Blues, one of the genres covered in the Popular Music Genres Workshop and Curriculum. It is a very exciting music genre and as some of you might have heard, I did a live podcast episode on The Blues, on our Facebook page, as it is known as one of the most notable and important music genre of the last 100 years.

If you have yet to watch the podcast episode mentioned above, I would strongly encourage you to do so in the link below.

The Blues originated from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century, in Western America through the Southern parts of the country such as : Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia and the New Orleans.

Probably the first association that comes to my mind when I think of The Blues is that this was the music of The Black People and second, that it came out of slavery and difficult life conditions

Although this is true, there are many more definitions of which The Blues is known to be associated with depending on ones’ perspective of the genre.

Let’s take a look and see how this genre, when musically analysed, is a genre of music that is made up of AfroAmerican Rhythms, which means that it was brought or inherited into what later became what is known today as The Blues.

There is spiritual music that is very present in the genre of Blues which also can be found in many other genres of music and applies to the masses. In its’ essence, we all are spiritual, so yes, Blues has this universal code applied to its music structure including a social aspect which is that of slavery and social injustice which sadly still applies and is present today.

The issue of racism which is also very present in the world today is also disappointingly one that was addressed in the genre of The Blues a 100 of years ago, and yet is still present today. I believe that those are the reasons as of why so many of us are so attracted to The Blues and I believe that as long as there is any kind of violence and mistreating of the human kind, The Blues will simply live on in expression of these situations.

Another aspect or approach to The Blues in a more “mundane” and relatable yet acknowledged perspective can be the loss of : A lover, a pet, a friend etc. The loss of course can make us feel Blue and is associated with a lot of weight and difficult emotions.

Another way is the colour of beautiful Blue which represents the sky and seas, liberation, vastness, heaven, relaxation.

So, why did they name it The Blues? 

Apparently, there has been a common word used for intense visual hallucinations that come along as an alcohol withdrawal syndrome of that they call the people “The Blue Devils” and overtime this has become “The Blues”.

Many different definitions, many different perspectives but what do you think about The Blues?

If you want to get familiar with the sound of Blues, you must first learn the Blues Scale. Click below to tune in!

Here below are also some of the top songs of my list of Blues Music, for you to listen to and get familiar with as well!

If you wish to know more about The Blues and how it develops, as well as how it can help you become a more versatile singer and more, please do join The Popular Music Genres course by simply signing up below!

Lots of love, 

Coach Bojana