Getting the Best Results When Recording Your Vocals

The human voice is one of the best instruments out there. Singing alone can do many things, such as showing emotions and communicating a message through a song. Since you have complete control over your voice, you can easily make it the most expressive instrument in your repertoire. That's why it can be frustrating when you can't effectively record and display your talent through recorded tracks.

Here at The Vocal Studio, we aim to help you find your inner voice. To physically manifest the potential of that voice, you may want to know how to get the best results when recording your vocal. Below are some tips you can try.

Get a suitable microphone for recording

Recording your vocals with a regular device, such as your mobile phone or computer, won’t properly capture your voice and its details. That's because the built-in microphones on these gadgets aren’t meant to be used for singing. You’ll only get optimal results when you use a mic for its intended purpose. The guides on Shout4Music reveal that there are specific microphones ideal for recording vocals. These are versatile, created for recording standards, and can perform reliably. They also have necessary features—like background noise rejection—that can give you the best and clearest recording quality.

At TinyMightyStudio, you can experience vocal recording with AKG C314. Tuned to capture every nuance - four selectable polar patterns

The versatile C314 is the multi-instrumentalist in your microphone rig, ready to fill in wherever needed. Whether it’s cardioid, supercardioid, omni or figure-8 polar patterns, there are plenty of ways to get the most natural sound.

Use closed-back headphones

A proper recording microphone for vocals isn't the only piece of audio gear you'll need. You’re often guided by an instrumental track when recording, and you need to hear that track fully as you sing to get the best results. This is where using close-backed headphones comes in. These fit over your ear to prevent sound from escaping. Along with noise-cancelling features, it can drown out external sounds, so you can only hear the instrumental track and your voice. At the same time, the design of these headphones ensures that the track you're listening to doesn't bleed into the vocal track you're recording.

A good headphone model to check out is the Jabra Evolve2 75. The Edge Singapore recommends this over-ear pair because it has a built-in active noise cancellation feature to help you focus on singing your heart out during recording sessions.

Stay hydrated

Singapore’s tropical climate results in hot and humid weather most of the year. Channel News Asia notes that the country’s temperature reaches over 30 degrees more often than not and rarely dips below 24. Therefore, air conditioners are your best friends. This is especially true in studios, which may be warmer due to the enclosed spaces required to produce quality recordings.

However, cold air can dehydrate your vocal cords, preventing you from using them to their fullest potential. Your teeth might even chatter if you get too cold in the studio. To get the most out of your vocals while singing, it's thus best to ensure the air coming out of your unit is comfortable and not too cold. It may also help to have some water nearby to keep yourself hydrated while recording.

Do some vocal exercises

Whether you're an amateur or a professional singer, you must warm your voice with some vocal exercises before stepping into the booth. This reduces tension, damage, and voice loss, empowering you to use your voice to its fullest while recording. Our post ‘How To Overcome A ‘Child-Like’ Singing Voice’ adds that using the right exercises can keep your throat relaxed and open for sound to travel warmly.

Some warm-ups you can try include humming, breathing techniques, and pronunciation exercises. For the best effect, do them a few minutes before you start recording.

Your voice is your best instrument. Use our tips above to make the most out of your next recording session and get the best results!



Written exclusively for

By Abigail Rose